What is backfill and how does it work?

Our Backfill feature allows you to automatically pull jobs from our partner's job feeds to populate your job board with fresh job offerings in your niche: we've partnered with Appcast, Talroo, Adzuna, and Jobcase to give you instant access to thousands of jobs from around the web.

To display Backfill jobs on your board, simply head to the backfill settings page in your admin panel ("Manage board" > "Jobs" > "Backfill"), select a partner provider from which you'd like to receive jobs, then fill in a keyword/category/location combination to narrow down the jobs selection.

Ta-da. Once you press Save, you should be able to see live jobs appear on your job board. 

Please note: Backfill jobs appear instantly, so if you do not see any results appear, this is due to a narrow keyword/location/category combination or a malformed keyword entry. To fix this, try switching values and providers: some partners have more jobs in certain categories so it's smart to check multiple providers to see which one yields the best results for your niche.

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