How to Configure Social Login with Google and Linkedin

Want for your companies and job seekers be able to login with either Google or LinkedIn? This is how to do it.

In order to manage your social logins you need to go to "Manage Board" > "General" > "Social Login". Here you will be able to configure the Client ID and Client Secret for both Google and Linkedin.

To get both the id and the secret, you need to follow certain steps.


  1. To begin, navigate to the Google Console.
  2. Log in to your Google account. If you don't have a Google developer account yet, you may need to register as a developer.
  3. On the top bar of the page, click the "Select a project" button.
  4. A pop-up will appear, click the "New project" button located in the top right corner of the pop-up window.
  5. Enter a name for your project (such as your jobboard name), then click "Create".
  6. From the left side menu, select the "OAuth consent screen" page.
  7. Once on the "OAuth consent screen" page, select "External" as the user type, then click "Create".
  8. Fill in at least the required fields on the next page. You will need to provide information such as the name and user support email for your app.
  9. Using the left sidebar, go to the "Credentials" page.
  10. From the top of the "Credentials" page, click "+ Create credentials".
  11. Select "OAuth Client ID".
  12. The application type should be "Web application", and you can give it any name.
  13. In the "Authorized JavaScript origins" field, add the full URL for your jobboard (including https and possibly www or a subdomain), without the trailing slash. For example: "", "", or "".
  14. Click "Create" to finish the process.
  15. Copy the generated Client ID and Client Secret and paste it on the your jobboard dashboard, at Manage Board > General > Social Login.


  1. Go to the LinkedIn apps management page and log in with your LinkedIn account.
  2. Click on the "Create app" button.
  3. Enter your app name and add a logo.
  4. If you don't have a LinkedIn page for your jobboard business, create one by selecting "+ Create a new LinkedIn Page" and then search for it.
  5. Fill in the URL to your jobboard's privacy policy.
  6. Check the legal agreement and click "Create app".
  7. Open the Auth tab in your new app view.
  8. Add a new redirect URL, with the format <your jobboard URL>/auth/linkedin/callback , in the Redirect URLs section. (example:
  9. Take note of the generated Client ID and Client Secret.
  10. Move to the Products tab and select both "Sign In with LinkedIn  v2 (custom OAUTH" and "Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect".
  11. Wait for LinkedIn to validate your app for both Sign In products. This process may take a few moments.
  12. Paste the id and secret on your jobboard dashboard, at Manage Board > General > Social Login.
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